The Movie and Me
A dark, psychological thriller produced and directed by Sanjay Gupta.
I played Rohit Chopra, a millionaire businessman with a sinister side.
Bala Roy lives a blissful life in Thailand with his beautiful wife, Nisha. But one day Bala is suddenly kidnapped and held in a cell without knowing who are his captors are or the reason for his abduction. When he is released, just as apparently pointlessly, 14 years later, he sets out on a bloody quest for truth and revenge.
"I feel my role was very powerful in this film. It required very little of my time but I am omnipresent. I remember Sanjay Gupta had come to me with his next film. But he wanted me to hear the story of 'Zinda'. It was obvious that Sanjay Dutt was doing the older man but I was immediately interested in the other role. Gups wanted someone who could match the other actor's physicality... so I was happy to do it."